Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's Been A While!

I'm sorry that I haven't updated! I randomly decided that since classes are starting back up soon, that I would take a break from photography... for now at least! But that doesn't mean that photography hasn't been on my mind! I have been thinking about buying a new camera for a while now and have decided that it's time to retire my beloved Nikon D50. It's a great camera, but I need to move up the Nikon-ladder. Also, I'm looking into buying a couple of good lenses. In particular, the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 and hopefully someday the Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8 - but that one is just a dream for now, due to it's whopping $1,500 price tag! I would also love to get into macro photography, but that can wait until the spring semester when I take my much anticipated macro class.

Well, until then... classes start August 23rd.

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